Free Plumbing, Free Steak Dinner, $100 for a Fast Food Shop…

Many people new to mystery shopping complain that the pay is too low, that there aren’t any good assignments available, and that its just not worth the effort.

Unfortunately, these are the same people who don’t follow my simple advice of applying to mystery shopping companies, actively looking for assignments, and following through.

A recent discussion on really opened my eyes on this. The question was asked: What was your favorite assignment in 2007? There were some really interesting answers, and some very high paying assignments. Including getting $305 for much needed plumbing, eating a delicious streak dinner(for free) at $100 a head, and earning an EASY $100 for just one simple fast food assignment.

But guess what — the people that had the great assignments are the ones who are serious about their mystery shopping…And they show it by following through. They have done the simple legwork of finding good mystery shopping companies to work with, and they have established routines of getting assignments from those companies.

Not surprisingly, these people are also some of the most active members of — showing that it PAYS to be involved in the community.

So YES, there are people out there who are getting fun high paying assignments with mystery shopping.

Want to be one of them? Here’s what I recommend

  1. Apply to a few mystery shopping companies a day for 4 weeks. Then narrow that list down to companies that you want to work with, and that have assignments in your area.
  2. Become an ACTIVE member of Dive in headfirst. Ask questions, answer questions, and just plain get involved. It is bar-none the most powerful way to become an expert mystery shopper that knows exactly how to make the most money and get the best assignments. (Just look at members such as Flash, Bugspost, Nwazshopper, Rudymiker, and JoanG and you’ll know what I mean.)
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One Response to Free Plumbing, Free Steak Dinner, $100 for a Fast Food Shop…

  1. Thank you for writing this post!

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