New Mystery Shopper Experiences…

Hi Jacob,

I want to thank you for your information about all the Mystery Shopping Companies available. They have been extrememly helpful.

I have been doing this for almost a year now and I am now starting to actually make money. I work for about 15 companies regularly and am still registering with others. There are certain ones that have more jobs in certain states than others and I have had to go through and find the ones for my area. I have had dispatching experience and that has helped me a lot being able to schedule the jobs on certain days in certains areas for different companies. That definitely helps on the expense end of it. You have got to be able to “hustle” so to speak.

At first its hard when you are putting money out on all your jobs and it takes 30-60 days to get a paycheck, but once you figure out what companies you like and have your paychecks coming in, its great!!! I love it. Good Luck to you all,


Here’s another story:

I have been mystery shopping for 10 months.So for I have applied to about 15 companies.
I have completed 60 assignments so far.I wish I knew when some of the companies post new jobs. When I return from work most jobs in my area are already taken. The gas is quite expensive now. When one takes into consideration, the gas prices and the toll at times it is not worth it. I find my self applying for fewer jobs for this reason. Very few companies will compensate for the toll.

You ask about positive experience, well this hobby is gratifying. I did several jobs for a company. Two weeks after the last assignment, a scheduler called me and asked if I could do two faraway jobs for them. I was told that they needed some one with skills and dependability. I was offered a generous compensation. The two locations in questions would have completed the project for the company. I was more than happy to accpect these jobs.

I received a check from a company and it bounced. My bank charged me $10. After 7 weeks and several messages the company sent me a check. They included the $10 additional.

Initially mystery shopping did not take off. I had paid to become a member of a company which claimed that I was guarenteed a job in two weeks. It was a total waste of money. I guess this is the warning I want to give.I Thank Mr. Jans his shopping tips have been a great help to me.
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One Response to New Mystery Shopper Experiences…

  1. Very educating story, saved your site for hopes to read more!

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