Should you pay to mystery shop?

One of the most common mystery shopping questions I get is this: Do I have to pay to mystery shop?

And the answer that I always emphatically give is this: NO. You do not have to pay to mystery shop.

Let me explain.

The process of becoming a mystery shopper is very simple: You apply to mystery shopping companies. The companies send you assignments. You accept an assignment and then complete it. None of those steps require payment.

You don’t need to pay to apply to mystery shopping companies. You don’t need to pay to accept an assignment. And there are plenty of assignments that don’t even require you to buy anything. So, no, you don’t need to pay anything to get started as a mystery shopper.

But, there is a BIG difference between not paying to mystery shop, and exchanging your money for valuable information, and valuable services, that will help you earn MORE money, more easily, in less time.

I get upset when people act as though they are entitled to receive information for free, just because it is information.

I don’t presume to expect books for free. I don’t expect my college education for free, or seminars I go to, or workshops I attend.

I don’t mean to come across harshly.

What I mean to say, is that information has an inherent value — because it can make your life easier. Too often, when people ask me if they should pay to mystery shop, they seem to be implying that all of the information required to get started shoud be handed to them in a golden basket, along with some flowers and a bottle of wine.

Here’s where the difference lies: When you’re mystery shopping, you are performing a service, and should be paid accordingly. When someone is working to provide you with information, they too, should be paid accordingly. I currently am paid with the advertising on this website.

Lucky for you, that means the mystery shopping tips/advice I give you cost you no money at all.

How about that?

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One Response to Should you pay to mystery shop?

  1. mary v. says:

    i have received a check for the amount of 4260.00 for shopping and would like to know if you know this company and if you could advise me on how to start if this is a leggiate company. thank you mary

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